Sumário e Conclusões do trabalho sobre Plataforma de Treinamento sobre a norma IEC61850 a ser apresentado no Study Committee B5 Colloquium, Lausanne, Switzerland, em setembro deste ano.
A Training Platform for SAS Based on IEC61850 Applications
PEREIRA, A. CASCAES* (Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ, BR)
PAULINO, M. E. C. (Adimarco, BR)
GUGLIELMI, A.J. (Eletrosul, BR)
This paper presents the idea of creating a computational platform for training the technical personnel involved with IEC61850 applications to electrical substations, as well as offering an adequate environment to perform the functional and interoperability tests for a Substation Automation System – SAS.
Several configurations may be considered for this platform, ranging from less expensive to more expensive schemes. One of the possible configurations is briefly described and is shown in Figure 1. An application example, describing the operation of a reverse blocking scheme and illustrating a test sequence, is included in item 3.
The use of this kind of training platform in the academic area, preferably as part of Research and Development Projects, would be of great value, as it will induce the participation of university professors of the several areas related to the subject, and influences the formation of graduation and post-graduation students.
The use of the LabSAS platform will offer many advantages, including the following:
a)Provides a proper environment for both academic and utility areas. The utility engineers and the university professors and students may be adequately trained, while participating in the several experiences;
b)Helps in the development of protection and automation functionalities, including the necessary logics and the use of GOOSE messages. It is recommended to start with simpler functions, such as circuit breaker and disconnecting switches supervision and control. Other functions, such as interlocking, breaker failure logic, oscillography initiation, transfer of tripping to the bus tie breaker, and others should be investigated in a second stage;
c)Allows investigation of the MMS messages for the SCADA functions during different protection and automation events;
d)Provides means for improving the utility functional specification, including a naming convention for devices and equipment, a logical node list and a signal list for every typical bay. When this convention is used at the training platform, some naming mismatching can be identified and solved before the final project of the real system is completed.
e)Helps the development of the SAS configuration procedures, using appropriate XML based engineering tools needed for creation of the Common Data, the SSD (System Specification Description), as well as the SCD (Substation Configuration Description) and CID (Configured IED Description) files.
f)Presents the possibility of building the LabSAS with the same type of IEDs used in the real substations of a specific electric utility. Thus, in case of any substation expansion, this platform can be used to make interoperability tests between the new supplier device and the other IEDs already installed. This will help finding problems that normally would only be discovered during the site commissioning tests.
g)Help the development of functional, interoperability, performance and availability test procedures, as well as maintenance practices;
Additionally, the development and use of the LabSAS proposed may be helpful in verifying the current status of interoperability possibilities offered by the IEDs available from the market. This will facilitate the achievement of a seamless expansion of the IEC61850 compliant SAS.
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